Pallet Rack Safety


Safety, as we discuss often in these entries, is a two-way street.  We’re about to add a third.

Your pallet racks are another variable in the safety equation.

Pallet rack accidents can happen quickly, and they can be deadly.

When you’re setting up your racks, have a complete understanding of what will be expected of them. The initial design should ensure they will be able to handle and safely store your materials, know their capacity rating and keep that information handy so you can refer to it if necessary.

Watch the corners of your pallet racks.  Most accidents between a forklift and a rack involve the corners. Protect them at all cost. Steel guardrails or posts can effectively shield the corners from accidents.  Trust us, you would much rather have your driver collide with a concrete post than with a rack.

Make sure your drivers are trained in picking up and placing loads squarely on the racks. If your load must overlap, make sure it hangs over evenly on the front and back of the rack once it’s placed.

A pallet that is awkwardly-sized can cause trouble if your materials are stored two-deep. Maintain a uniform pallet size and shape at all times.

This may seem obvious but the moment your pallet racks get damaged, they must be replaced. It’s a hassle, we know, to take down a compete rack system and replace it, but that’s preferable to getting someone badly hurt- or killed- because your staff (or you) didn’t recognize a badly damaged rack.

Ensure your forklift operators and anyone who may be retrieving materials from the racks know and understand that environment.  There is too much at stake.

Got questions?  Our technicians are not only experts on forklifts, but on the environments they work around as well.  We can help you build and maintain the safest pallet rack system possible.